pycuda opencv

I have a pycuda gpuarray that I would like to feed to an opencv cuda function. As I understand there are currently no python bindings for the opencv 3 cv::cuda module. So I tried ...

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  • Official OpenCV library site ... Motivation Modern GPU accelerators has become powerful an...
    CUDA - OpenCV library
  • I turned the np functions to gpu functions that works with pycuda. My last problem is the ...
    [SOLVED] Pycuda and OpenCV - NVIDIA Developer Forums ...
  • I have a pycuda gpuarray that I would like to feed to an opencv cuda function. As I unders...
    exchange gpu data from python (pycuda gpuarray) to opencv (c ...
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  • What is OpenCV •Popular Computer Vision library –6M downloads –BSD license –1000s CV funct...
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  • 下列的例子是用Python改寫. Python相關的訊息可取自PyCUDA. import pycuda.driver as drv import numpy import pyc...
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    Python Extension Packages for Windows - Christoph Gohlke